Cancer. That scary word that no doctor likes to utter and no patient likes to hear. Researchers have long known that certain blood types are predisposed to certain types of cancer. This by no means, states that only a specific blood type will get this horrible disease just that prevention should be revved up in these high risk groups. Once again this concept that we are all individuals is important.
It has long been known that If you are Blood Type A (BTA) you have a predisposition to Breast Cancers. This has to do with a receptor on your cells (Thompson-Friedenreich Antigen) that very closely resembles the BTA antigen. When Thompson-Friedenreich Antigen is expressed on cells, the immune sytmes of the other Blood Types (O, B, and AB) go on the attack and destroy the bad cells. BTA’s howerever do not do this. This is due to it BTA being so close to the appearance of Thompson-Friedenreich receptors that the body becomes confused and allows the cancer to progress uninhibited. This is when a personalized medicine approach is highly warranted.
In a new study researchers have found that women who have good gastrointestinal flora (probiotics) that they have less of a risk of developing Breast Cancer. This has to do with normal happy and healthy biotics in the gastrointestinal tract metabolizing estrogen (the female hormone) into safer compounds. If the bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract are the wrong type this does not metabolize estrogen the right way and thus could, increase the risk of certain estrogen dominate cancers. Please read this study to find out more: Diverse Gut Bacteria.
Bacteria are so important to health and medicine that there are now even some vaginal bacteria that are being turned into antibiotics (Lactocillin from Lactobacillus bacterium). Read more about this please read Vaginal microbe yields novel Abx.
Did you also know that not all probiotics are good for everyone? To learn more please make an appointment at the COE today: Appointment.