Our resolve to maintain our treatment plans and goals are tested time and time again, whether during the holidays or on a trip into the city, or during a big sporting event, such as the Super Bowl. While we are aiming to reach our health goals, we should also make enjoying life a part of that goal.
In getting to a healthier state and while maintaining your already healthy state, it is important to feel that you are not restricting yourself in a way which decreases your vitality. The Blood Type/Genotype Diets are not a religion and do not require 100% compliance at all times — instead, I usually ask for about an 80% compliance to the Blood Type/Genotype Diets. The important part is having the desire to change or maintain your health and then “walking the walk,” so to speak. Commit to it 80% of the time, and I’m a happy doctor.
The three main treatment philosophies to remember are to give the body what it needs, such as vitamins, minerals, love, physical activity, medications, etc. Take out the trash through detoxification, regular bowel movements, and drinking plenty of water. Lastly, increase vitality by doing the things you love — in my case, this includes whitewater kayaking, aikido, spending time with family and friends, and heading out for dinner once a week. The point is, you can head out for dinner once a week because it brings you joy while also maintaining 80% compliance. It’s a balance that must be met between them.
Tips for maintaining health during Super Bowl Sunday
These tips will also work if you are watching the Puppy Bowl with a few modifications
- Healthy Competitive Nature: After a team scores a touchdown, do 10 push ups, sit-ups, or squats. While some may be embarrassed by this open display of fitness, keep your goal of a healthy lifestyle in mind. On a related note, doing squats daily has been shown to increase testosterone levels which can aid in the prevention of an enlarged prostate.
- Eat Healthy: Keep the over indulgence to a minimum. Eat your favorite wings or pizza, but only have a few. Eat some of the greens or fruits that are available. Not sure if there will be any available? Bring a backup snack. In the words of one of my professors in medical school, Dr. Z, “do not Hoover your food,” eat it slowly and over a period of time. If you are diverging from your diet, remember to take Dr. D’Adamo’s Deflect supplement. Deflect will help prevent some of the side effects of eating off your diet.
- Prevent Heart Burn: Have some aloe or licorice supplements on hand. Try taking some Gastro D. This supplement has licorice and mastic gum, both of which help prevent and stop indigestion.
- Food Preparation: Cook your food all the way through. Do not leave dishes containing mayo out for long periods of time.
- Stay Hydrated: Drink half your body weight in ounces daily. This only applies to water. Sorry, beer, soda, teas, or coffee do not count.
- Drinking Smart: Always have a designated driver. Stay in control.
- If Outside: Remember to stay warm. Add layers and wear a hat. Remember to use the restroom as needed. Having a full bladder makes it more difficult to stay warm.
For more information about staying healthy during Super Bowl Weekend, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
[box type=”info”]Remember please to always check with your doctor before starting a new medication or supplement.
If you are interested in buying any of the above products, please visit my Emerson Ecologics Store. To receive a discount, please email me for the login information.
If you wish to make an appointment, please free free to contact Barbara at 203-366-0526 and remember to please ask for Dr. Brody’s practice. [/box]