DNA (Genetic) Analysis Appointments
Dr. Brody uses a program called Opus to interpret raw DNA data from Ancestry and/or 23andMe, and translate it into clinically relevant information that can be used to institute preventive or therapeutic actions. In other words, Dr. Brody leverages your raw genetic data to provide precision personalized care.
How It Works
Most genomic tests report over 700,000 individual genetic markers called SNPs (pronounced ‘snips’). SNP stands for ‘single nucleotide polymorphism’, which simply indicates that at some point in the genome there was a variation in one of the letters of DNA (A, T, C,& G) from what was normal or to be expected. For example, a person might have an SNP with a ‘C’ at that location, whereas a ‘T’ would normally be expected. SNPs are very common, as each of us is genetically unique. Many SNPs have been associated with certain risks or susceptibilities to certain diseases.
Dr. Brody will comb through the results and looks for these special SNPs and deliver you the results over the course of four 1-hour appointments: Mental Awareness & Support, Regenerative & Detoxification Support, Heart, Weight, and Hormones, and Cancer and Immune Support. By the end of the course, you will have insights into your complete genetic profile and actionable takeaways to optimize every aspect of your individual health.
As little as five years ago, this type of testing would have cost tens of thousands of dollars. Dr. Brody operates at the forefront of modern technology to make this type of testing accessible to everyone. There is a one-time fee that is broken down over the four appointments.
Patients receive a personalized printout of their DNA analysis that will consist of:
- Visit One–Mental Awareness and Mental Support
- An investigation of genes that play a role in neurotransmitter production and regulation
- Methylation Support
- Other Mind-Body susceptibilities
- Visit Two–Regenerative and Detoxification Support
- An investigation into Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 networks
- Diet and Lifestyles strategies
- Anti-Aging and Generative Medicine
- Visit Three–Heart, Weight, and Hormones
- An investigation into genes that play a role in heart heart
- Metabolic weight and blood sugar regulation
- Hormones
- Visit Four–Cancer and Immune Support
- An investigation into genes that increase/decrease your risk of developing cancer
- Immune System Support and inflammation reduction
- Muscle and Digestive Support
To Book Your Appointments:
1. Purchase an Ancestry Kit from www.ancestry.com/dna or 23andMe.com/drbrody
It takes about 10 weeks to get your kit results, so schedule your appointment with Dr. Brody 10 weeks from when you submit your DNA kit.
2. Once you have your Ancestry or 23andMe results, provide us with the raw data by either:
– Supplying us with your login information and we will download it for you, or
– Download the raw data file and email it to Support@BrodyND.com
3. Dr. Brody will review the results with you over a series of 4 appointments.
Update for 2022
Beginning in the spring of 2022, Dr. Brody is offering a new specialized approach to his DNA breakdown. Dr. Brody will provide the option of spending an hour to go over how a patient’s DNA can affect their specific symptoms, instead of covering . While there isn’t as much information available connecting genetics and some digestive disorders, such as SIBO and IMO, there is a wealth of knowledge regarding other common symptoms. This one-hour appointment is not a replacement for the four appointments covering a large quantity of a patient’s DNA, but rather a specific focus on one single area. If a patient would like to forgo the four appointments and spend one hour going over the correlation between their DNA and a specific symptom or disorder, the one-time DNA cost would need to be paid in full at the time of the appointment.