Continuing the Legacy

Dr. Harris Brody is the father of Dr. Robert
Dr. Harris Brody’s treatment philosophy is similar to Dr. Robert Brody’s in that they both believe in treating the body, not the symptoms. By allowing the body to heal as a whole, it removes the ability for an illness to take root. Through the use of diet, nutrition, and supplements, Dr. Harris and Dr. Robert Brody create a stronger body and flush out any toxins.
Dr. Harris Brody’s specialty is Lyme disease.
Like Father, Like Son
Dr. Robert Brody worked directly under Dr. Harris Brody at his Pennsylvania practice for years, learning how his father not only worked with and treated his clients, but learning how to run an office as well. Even though Robert studied under various doctors while working towards his degrees – which are listed here – one of his greatest influences is his father.
Surrounded by holistic therapies from a young age, Robert saw firsthand the effects of a treatment plan tailored to an individual. As patients walked out of Dr. Harris’s doors feeling healthier, able to cleanse and heal their bodies, Robert knew that personalized, natural medicine was the way to go. And as an adult, seeing children taking general medications without improving only confirmed his beliefs. His father, Dr. Harris Brody, knew what his patients needed.
Dr. Robert Brody has followed in his father’s footsteps by adopting many of his philosophies, approaches, and ideas in his treatment plans. In particular, Dr. Harris Brody’s approach to Lyme disease has stuck with Robert, leading him to successfully treat many patients in Connecticut. Without the years of study, practice, and treatment that Dr. Harris Brody gave to the world, Robert would never have become the doctor he is today. While Dr. Harris Brody is consulting clients in Pennsylvania, Dr. Brody is continuing his father’s work in Connecticut.
Creating a New Path
While Dr. Robert Brody has taken his father’s path, he has branched out by offering telemedicine appointments, working to become an in-network naturopathic physician with many insurance companies, and earning his naturopathic physician license in the state of Connecticut.
In the state of Connecticut, an aspiring naturopathic physician needs to complete a four-year graduate studies medical program, pass medical boards, and pass a state licensing exam before they can begin practicing as a naturopathic physician. In Pennsylvania, the state legislature has not defined the legal requirements to be a naturopath, which leaves the term and standards more open to interpretation.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Robert Brody, please contact the front desk at the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.