Online Store
To ensure that healing occurs in a predictable and timely fashion Dr. Brody often recommends nutritional supplements, herbal medicines and homeopathic remedies in the care of his patients. Dr. Brody is committed to his patients, utilizing the highest quality products available in order to obtain the best therapeutic results possible. Dr. Brody will access your need for natural medicine after a comprehensive medical intake and physical examination. If indicated, he will recommend different vitamins, minerals, herbs, and/or homeopathic medications.
Dr. Brody only recommends supplements that follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards. Products that pass GMP are scientifically 3rd party tested and thus their purity, potency, and safety are without question. Dr. Brody doesn’t recommend products that are sold on Amazon, eBay, or local drug stores due to not knowing how the products are stored, where they come from if they are counterfeit, and/or if they meet the standards of GMP.
Please use your ‘access code’ received from your office visit to access the Personalized Natural Medicine Dispensatory. If you do not remember the access code please call the office. If you remember the code please follow the directions below to create an account.
Online Store
How to create a new account
Please remember the access code Dr. Brody provided to you at your visit. This code will need to be entered to have access to his online dispensatory and to receive a discount. If you do not remember the code please contact the office.

To schedule an appointment, please contact the front desk of the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.