As we find ourselves running out of pages on the calendar to turn, we take a moment to reflect on the year that has passed and ponder what may happen in the next. Did we do everything that we wanted to do? Did we finish our project, meet our health goals, try that new exciting thing we’ve been thinking about?
As the holidays arrive, it’s easy to forget about some of the less exciting things in our lives. Once the calendar is replaced, most of our deductibles are reset and we have to begin our expensive healthcare journey from the beginning. As we enter the most joyful – and potentially the most stressful – time of the year, please don’t forget to make your necessary appointments. Make sure you take care of yourself, be it an eye appointment, trip to the dentist, or finally going to the chiropractor.
While finding a low deductible can be rare, it’s important to take every opportunity once we meet it. And for those looking for new insurance, don’t forget to make the most of your old one!
As we welcome a new year and a new decade, it’s important to think about how we want the next year to go. Do we want to focus on health goals? Personal goals? Perhaps start that book we’ve been thinking about? Whatever our plans may be, it’s never too early to start. We can become a regular at the gym in a month, or write the first chapter of our book. Or we can begin taking the steps toward a healthier 2020 today.
Dr. Brody and Dr. Vanessa still have openings in December for anyone who would like an appointment before their deductible resets. And if you’re switching plans, make sure your current physician team is included in the new plan!