Symptoms and Natural Treatments
The skin is the biggest organ of the body. It has many different functions but the most important one is protection. It keeps your water and fluids on the inside and the bad bacteria and viruses on the outside. The other main job of the skin is an organ of detoxification.
Your body, in all its wisdom, always seeks to protect itself. It thus releases chemicals, toxins, and cellular debris out through your urine, stools, air, and of course your skin. This is the cause of many different skin conditions like acne and eczema. Most of my allopathic brethren take a different approach to skin health. If it’s dry make it wet, if it’s wet make it dry, and biopsy. While this treatment philosophy may help with the cosmetic aspects of the disease, it does nothing to stop the reoccurrence. That’s where Naturopathic Physicians play a role.
Common Skin Conditions
Acne has symptoms of pain, dryness and inflammation, and can have both physical and emotional components. Dr. Brody finds the root of the cause in oder to reduce, treat, and prevent acne. The cause can be genetic, it can come from diet, stress, or a number of different reasons.
Eczema occurs when the body is unable to remove all of the toxins from the body. Normally the body is able to cleanse using urine, stools, sweating and breathing to remove toxins, but sometimes it lacks the tools necessary to remove everything. By addressing the core of the problem and helping the body remove all the toxins, Dr. Brody is able to help begin the healing process for the body and remove the eczema.
Free Discovery Session
A free Discovery Session includes analysis of your blood type, receiving dietary advice, and supplement suggestions with no obligation.
To schedule a free discovery session, please contact the front desk at the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.