Dr. Brody’s Natural Approach to Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis and osteopenia are the same thing but are at different levels of disease progression. Osteopenia is when your bone mineral density or minerals in your bones start to decrease. When this decrease in bone mineral density reaches a certain level it is called osteoporosis. In simple terms, osteoporosis is your body reabsorbing/ breaking down its own bones. This usually takes place over the course of years, and most people do not know that the process is happening. Truth be told, this process happens every day in a healthy person. You bone cells reabsorb some old bone and lay down some new bone. This keeps the bones nice, new, and strong.
Most people do not realize they have osteoporosis until their bones break. Natural treatments can come into play early on or later on to stop the progression of bone loss. As you can imagine, diet and exercise play a huge role in the health of your bones. You need to make sure you are consuming all the nutrients you need in order to make new bones (this does not usually consist of milk). The other main components are to increase the production of new bone with a few natural herbal medicines.
Of note, the “Bone Hypothesis” has been proven wrong time and time again. This is an old thought that if you consume a low carbohydrate, high animal protein diet that your body would use your bones as reserves to calm down the acid environment in your body. The study shows that the amount of an enzyme called IAP plays a major role in your calcium balance. There are also other genetic mutations such as VDR that can predispose you to osteoporosis.
Services and Tests To Help You Heal Faster:
Free Discovery Session
A free Discovery Session includes analysis of your blood type, receiving dietary advice, and supplement suggestions with no obligation.
To schedule a free discovery session, please contact the front desk at the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.