Dr. Brody’s Natural Approach to Seasonal Allergies
It turns out that ⅕ of Americans (Annual U.S. Prevalence Statistics for Chronic Diseases) have a horrible time when trees and plants start inviting pollinators to their flowers. There are also people who suffer from indoor allergies year round. This could be from molds, dust, or even pet dander. While indoor allergens and outdoor allergens are vastly different, your body’s immune response is relatively the same. The body starts experiencing symptoms such as; a runny nose, sneezing, itchy throat, hives, wheezing, watery eyes, red eyes, rash, and fatigue. If you want to lessen these symptoms and work or preventing them from occurring you need a combined approach of diet and medications.
When you can gear diet and lifestyle changes as a major part of treatment, it shows the importance of foods. The father of Western Medicine said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Since we already eat three times a day and when taking into account medical history, genetics, epigenetics, and phenotypical expressions, we can really turn those three meals a day into the strongest form of medicine. This approach combined with natural medicine can really help you ditch your allergies and visit your friend who has a dog and head out for a hike in the spring with your children.
Services and Tests To Help You Heal Faster:
To schedule a free discovery session, please contact the front desk at the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.