I am joining the Movember movement. My motivation in growing a mustache is to raise awareness to Men’s Health. Men are an underserved population in the medical world and there are so many things a naturopathic physician can do to naturally to prevent and treat men with prostate problems, low energy, ED, hypertension, etc. Please donate if […]
5/3/15, WASHINGTON, DC. Dr. Robert Brody and 149 other forward-thinking naturopathic physicians and medical students joined America’s top natural medicine experts this past weekend as they gathered in the nation’s capital to call upon the US legislature to widen the options available in our country’s VA Medical system. While speaking to the nation’s legislators, Naturopathic […]
Connecticut Naturopathic Legislation
Dear ND Colleagues, Patients and Advocates, A hearing is set for us to deliver testimony on # (HB 6797). The Public Health Committee will hold an offsite public hearing on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 10:30 A.M. at Hartford Public High School’s Law and Government Academy, 55 Forest Street, Hartford, CT 06105. Our bill is […]
Pennsylvania Naturopathic Legislation
I wanted to update you on our licensure efforts. HB 516 (legislation to license Naturopathic Doctors under the State Board of Medicine) is scheduled for a vote in the House Professional Licensure Committee. Calls and/or emails to your own legislators as well as to some of the committee members (especially the Committee chairs: Harhart & Readshaw) prior to […]
Petition for Natural Doctors–Help ND’s get Residencies
Only one in ten Naturopathic medicine (ND) graduates will have access to post-graduate residency training because of ineligibility to apply for Medicare funded residencies. I support including Naturopathic Medical Students Doctors in Medicare Graduate Medical Education Programs. Please sign the following petition to help ND’s get federally funded residencies. Naturopathic Physicians and Residency