It has long been investigated in the Naturopathic Field of Medicine that blood type is a very important factor to your health. From the original work of Dr. James D’Adamo to the more recent work of his son Dr. Peter D’Adamo, many correlations have been found that link disease to certain blood types. For example, people who are Blood Type A have thicker blood than other types and thus are more prone to clotting. People who are blood type A are also more prone to cardiovascular diseases (do largely to the same factors).
New scientific studies are showing that people who are blood type AB have a predisposition to memory loss and dementia. In the US, Blood Type AB’s makes up about 4% of the population. While this is a rather small demographic, a personal medicine approach will account for all your predispositions (including genetic and epigenetic) and formulate proper diet and lifestyle changes that could prevent many diseases later in life.
To learn more about blood types please visit: D’ To make an appointment to find your Blood type (A, B, AB, O, rh+, rh -, Lewis a, Lewis b, etc) and start on a lifestyle that prevents disease please make and appointment at the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine at: Generative
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