Allergies. When this time of the year emerges, most people run indoors to find some relief. It turns out that ⅕ of Americans (Annual U.S. Prevalence Statistics for Chronic Diseases) have a horrible time when trees and plants start inviting pollinators to their flowers. There are also people who suffer from indoor allergies year round. This could be from molds, dust, or even pet dander. I am going to briefly share a patient’s case who had bad indoor allergies. While indoor allergens and outdoor allergens are vastly different the body’s immune response it relatively the same. I will conclude with a few simple tricks that you can do to help prevent and reduce allergic symptoms.
Alberto is a 26 year old male who came to clinic with severe allergies. Alberto is highly allergic to cats and was mildly allergic to dogs. This has been going on since Alberto was a young boy. Eventho Alberto is highly allergic to these animals, he never went to his family doctor for an EpiPen or even treatment. Alberto’s roommate decided to get a dog. At first everything was ok with Alberto. He did not have any symptoms such as runny nose, or itchy throat. Alberto thought he was doing great. After all he did grow up with dogs his whole life so living with a dog should be not problem. As the weeks progressed, Alberto sadly started to experience symptoms; hives, wheezing, watery eyes, etc. While getting rid of the dog was not an option, Alberto needed some serious help. Him and his roommate started cleaning the floors once a week, airing out the house a few times a day, and blocked the dog from going upstairs. While this drastically helped, it still wasn’t fixing the problem.
This is when Alberto decided to come visit me at the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine. My approach with Alberto was a rather simple one; number 1 diet and number 2 give him some supplements. Alberto’s blood type came up as A1, Rh +, Lewis B +, Explorer and I gave him a unique personalized diet geared toward allergies. I also decided to start him on a very basic supplement prescription which included: Fish Oil and some Quercetin along with having him visit his family doctor to get an EpiPen.
The above treatment worked as planned and this was all Alberto needed. He can now be found running around Connecticut with his roommate’s dog playing in the grass and wrestling indoors. While not all results will be as dramatic and as sudden, I have found that with allergies diet is really the first step of the equation.
When you can gear diet and lifestyle changes as a major part of treatment, it shows the importance of foods. The father of Western Medicine said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Since we already eat three times a day and when taking into account medical history, genetics, epigenetics, and phenotypical expressions, we can really turn those three meals a day into the strongest form of medicine. If you are ready to make a lifestyle changes and want to start feeling healthy, please come visit me at the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine. I see patients with everything from headaches to cancer. I have appointments available Monday-Wednesday and Friday-Saturday. Please call 203-889-9689 to schedule today.