Acupuncture is a form of medicine that inserts incredibly thin needles into the skin of various points of the body. Once a traditional Chinese medical technique, acupuncture has been influential across the globe as a form of natural treatment. The Eastern approach uses needles to balance the energy found inside of us. The needles clear pathways, allowing energy to flow through the body to achieve its full potential. The Western approach views acupuncture locations as places to stimulate tissue, muscles, and nerves to engage and heal the body. With both approaches, the goal of acupuncture is to help reduce pain and stress from various symptoms.
The common practice for needles is to use single-use needles to reduce the risk of infection.
The general goal of acupuncture is to help the body with pain management and to calm the mind for those with mental or emotional conditions. The body is given the support needed to reduce inflammation and return to its natural balanced state. Through the reduction of inflammation, acupuncture can help reduce skin conditions, hypertension, anxiety, and muscular or skeletal pain. Acupuncture can also be used to help relieve the symptoms of upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold.
Acupuncture is a session-by-session treatment. While patients feel relief after each session, the goal is to use multiple sessions to bring any inflammation down. Reducing inflammation to the lowest level possible allows the body to function normally. It’s this reduction of inflammation that patients feel as relief when it’s returning the body to its natural state. Despite using needles that may cause discomfort, acupuncturists aim to create a soothing medical treatment to reduce pain.
Acupuncture at PNM
Dr. Ferraro studied acupuncture at the University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine. She is a licensed practitioner, providing patients with years of experience and knowledge. Dr. Ferraro has worked with multiple patients to reduce hypertension, muscular or skeletal pain, joint pain, anxiety, and other physical and mood disorders.
To schedule an appointment, please contact the front desk of the Personalized Natural Medicine Clinic, located in the heart of Newtown, Connecticut.